FEDERBIO – FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA E BIODINAMICA (Coordinator) with headquarters in Piazza Martiri della Libertà n. 1 – 40121 Bologna (Italy) – F.C. and VAT number IT02252171208, tel tel:+390514210272, e.mail info@federbio.it, PEC federbio@pec.it , Beneficiary for the implementation of the MULTI programme n. 101046195 – BEING ORGANIC in EU submitted under AGRI-MULTI-2021 (Call for proposals for multi programmes 2021 – Promotion of agricultural products) and approved according to Ref. Ares(2021)5863945 – 27/09/2021 letter from the EUROPEAN RESEARCH EXECUTIVE AGENCY
A call for tenders for the selection, by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, of an evaluation body which will have to evaluate the activities carried out under the three-year programme “Organic farming in Europe: a way of BEING (acronym “BEING ORGANIC in EU”). “BEING ORGANIC in EU” is a project aimed at increasing the consumers and trade operators’ awareness about EU organic production methods/standards and EU organic logo in two internal markets: Germany and Italy. Project beneficiaries organizations are: FEDERBIO – FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA E BIODINAMICA (Coordinator) with headquarters in Piazza Martiri della Libertà n. 1 – 40121 Bologna (Italy) – F.C. and VAT number IT02252171208, tel tel:+390514210272, e.mail info@federbio.it, certified e.mail federbio@pec.it and NATURLAND – VERBAND FUR OKOLOGISCHEN LANDBAU EV (Co-beneficiary) with headquarters in Kleinhaderner Weg 1 – 82166 Gräfelfing (Germany) – C.F. and VAT number DE152124581, tel +49 (0) 89 898082, e.mail natuland@naturland.de.
Interested companies that meet the requirements set out in the tender technical specifications may submit their offers by 13/06/2022 at 12.00 AM (CET time).
Further information can be requested at the following e-mail addresses: info@federbio.it, federbio@pec.it